The following announcement has been released by Gina Kay, Executive Director of the Taylorsville Apple Festival, Inc.
The 32nd Annual Taylorsville Apple Festival is cancelled for 2020. During this trying time, we felt it was best for all of our festival patrons if we did not gather together this year. We have always been blessed with such large crowds; we knew that there was no way to be able to create a plan where we could safely social distance or assume that everyone would wear a mask to be able to keep everyone safe. We have spent the summer conferring with Raleigh, our Board Members and our supporters at Town Hall to come to this conclusion. We have tried our best in August and September to personally call all of our vendors who were already registered early this year, our entertainment performers and all other participants to let you know about our cancellation by speaking to Erin or I instead of just reading it in a Facebook post. I apologize if we did not reach you personally but we have tried our best to do so. I would like to personally say that I will miss seeing all of our vendors that come so faithfully to our festival year after year which have become cherished friends over the years. I will also miss seeing the streets full of our community and patrons from all over several states enjoying themselves. I will miss the smell of the foods and hearing the laughter of the children at the many activities. My prayer is that everyone stays healthy and well until we can all come together again in 2021 for the Taylorsville Apple Blossom Festival and the Taylorsville Apple Festival.