Tuesday, November 10th. Day 315 of 2020
Happy Birthday United States Marines ! The Continental Congress first established the Continental Marines on November 10, 1775, leading up to the American Revolution. Semper Fi !
It’s Sesame Street Day. The show debuted this day in 1969
1871: Henry M. Stanley, journalist and explorer, found David Livingstone. Livingstone was a missing Scottish missionary in central Africa. Stanley delivered his famous greeting: “Dr. Livingstone, I presume?”
1951: Direct-dial, coast-to-coast telephone service began when Mayor M. Leslie Denning of Englewood, New Jersey, called his counterpart in Alameda, California without the help of an operator
1975: The Edmund Fitzgerald, an ore-hauling ship, and its crew of 29 vanished during a storm in Lake Superior. Gordon Lightfoot would turn the tragedy into a tune in 1976
1982: The Vietnam Veterans Memorial was opened to visitors
1983: Bill Gates introduced Microsoft Windows 1.0
In the News: COVID cases soaring in Alexander County…County Board of Education meets this evening…Drive-By shooting over the weekend in Stony Point…Lenoir couple arrested in Alexander County…Taylorsville man charged…Taylorsville Police place man in jail after he allegedly spat on officer
Weather: Continued warm but it going to get wet, really wet
Sports: Panthers being very quiet about latest Christian McCaffery injury…Jets are 0-9…Gonzaga is preseason #1 in College Hoops…LRU will not allow fans to attend Basketball games…It’s Masters Week, I’m supposed to say that in April
Happy Birthday: Donna Fargo, Dave Loggins, Roland Emmerich, Sinbad, Mackenzie Phillips, Mike McCarthy, Tracy Morgan, Ellen Pompeo, Miranda Lambert, Teddy Bridgewater
CBS issues edict https://ew.com/tv/cbs-reality-series-casting-representation/
McDonalds adding to menu https://www.msn.com/en-us/foodanddrink/foodnews/mcdonalds-is-adding-two-new-sandwiches-to-its-menu/ar-BB1aQs1L
Maybe we need to add some Chile Peppers to our diet https://www.independent.co.uk/news/science/chilli-pepper-diet-live-longer-cancer-heart-disease-research-b1719246.html
I hope that spider that bit me is dead
Quote of the Day: “The smarter the journalists are, the better off society is. For to a degree, people read the press to inform themselves – and the better the teacher, the better the student body”… Warren Buffett