The Alexander County Christmas Parade is always scheduled for the first Saturday in December, which is Saturday, December 5, 2020. This year’s parade is to be the 74th annual edition of the opening of the holiday season in Alexander County! STOP! This is 2020 and NOTHING, but NOTHING seems to be happening or moving forward as usual. The annual Christmas Parade is no exception! After months of deliberation and consultation, the Parade Committee has decided that in the interest of public health and safety, there will be NO Christmas Parade moving through the streets of Taylorville in 2020.
The Parade Committee is currently developing alternative plans which will be announced as we move toward the Saturday, December 5 date. There will be a VIRTUAL parade with lots of family activities and entertainment provided! Please stay tuned for additional details as the plans are finalized and confirmed!
The Committee would like to pause for a moment to express its disappointment and frustration with this decision. “We definitely recognize the need for families and especially children to have a sense of normality in their lives. We all want to have something to celebrate and get excited about! The COVID climate is improving; however, the current numbers do not warrant a mass gathering of people. There is simply no way to manage and control social distancing, mask wearing, etc. which would be needed to insure the safety and care of the people of Alexander County,” said dwaine coley who assists the County in coordinating the parade each year. “Health and safety are our first priorities!”
The Parade Committee wishes to express thanks and appreciation to the numerous civic groups, children’s organizations, businesses, manufacturers, school groups, fraternal organization, bands, churches, etc. who graciously give of their time and energy to make the annual event a rousing success! The plan is to pick up where we have left off and move forward next year!
Again, be watching and listening for details for a VIRTUAL event that will hopefully provide some of the thrills, excitement and joy that the parade brings each year. Instructions, directive and more information will be provided beginning in November! Stay tuned!
Again, the Alexander County Christmas Parade will NOT be held this year due to concerns about the spread of the COVID virus. Thank you for your support and understanding.
Thank you!
dwaine c. coley
Parade Committee