The Following Is Missing Persons Alert From Iredell County Crimestoppers:
If anyone sees the missing person listed below, please contact Sgt. Rambo (704-878-3516 / Statesville Police) or Det. Tuttle (704-618-4826 / Charlotte-Meck Police). Thank you for your assistance.
She was last seen at Walmart in Statesville on 1-14-2019 at 3:30 in the morning.
Missing Person: (NIC# M744809085)
Katie Mae Pletl (AKA: Lynn George)
White, Female, DOB: 4-12-93, Age: 25
Height: 5’7”, Weight: 140 pounds
Hair: Brown, Eyes: Hazel (dark bags under eyes)
Wearing dark long sleeve shirt and light baggy pants (maybe PJ bottoms)
Appears with:
White, Male, wearing blue Carolina Panther knit hat, black winter coat, blue jeans, bags under eyes
White, Male, wearing light colored long sleeve jacket