* * * * W E D N E S D A Y * * * * O C T O B E R 10th * * * * Day 285 of 2018 * * * *
It’s Word Mental Health Day
1845: The United States Naval Academy opens in Annapolis, MD
Thomas Edison incorporates the Edison Phonograph Company in 1887
Pan American Airways announces the first global airline service in 1959
Vice President Spiro Agnew resigns after being charged with income tax evasion in 1973
Talk show host Rush Limbaugh announces he is addicted to painkillers and will check into rehab center in 2003
In the News: Hiddenite Elementary has been designated as a “Low Performing School”…School Board approves budget… Taylorsville woman charged with elderly abuse…Alexander County man faces assault charge… Statesville man arrested on child porn charge…Wilkes County School Counselor charged with child abuse
Weather: **Flash Flood Watch** It looks wet for the next couple days
Sports: Sox Finish off Yankees, Baseball’s Final 4 is set…JV Football hosts McDowell tonight… Cougars preparing for balanced Titans Friday night…App gets Tuesday night win…Greg Olsen returns to Panther practice today

Dale Earnhardt Jr
Hurricane Michael is EVIL ! Lets hope for the best and prepare for the worst
I see where 70 percent of teens say they use social media multiple times per day. I think it’s higher, at least around here
Siri can now record when you’re pulled over by an police officer. If you tend to be stupid in such situations, that might not be the best thing to have the encounter recorded
I’m deeply saddened to NOT win the Mega Million last night. The jackpot is now over $500 Million
Quote of the Day: “Any man who can drive safely while kissing a pretty girl is simply not giving the kiss the attention it deserves”…Albert Einstein