Wednesday January 29th
It’s Curmudgeons Day and Free Thinkers Day. Ironic, those two would fall on the same day
Happy Corn Chip Day !
1845: Edgar Allan Poe’s “The Raven” was published
1886: The first successful petrol-driven motorcar, built by Karl Benz, was patented in Germany
1892: The Coca-Cola Company is incorporated
1936: The first members of Baseball’s Hall of Fame were named . The five were Ty Cobb, Babe Ruth, Honus Wagner, Christy Mathewson & Walter Johnson
1963: The first members of the Pro Football Hall of Fame were named
1995: The San Francisco 49ers became the first team in National Football League (NFL) history to win five Super Bowl titles. The 49ers defeated the San Diego Chargers 49-26
2002: In his State of the Union address, President George W. Bush describes an Axis of evil, in which he includes Iraq, Iran and North Korea
2009: Governor of Illinois Rod Blagojevich is removed from office following his conviction of corruption charges, including solicitation of benefit in exchange for appointment to the Senate as a replacement for then President Obama
2020: The Trump administration establishes the White House Coronavirus Task Force
In the News: Two men charged with breaking and entering into Alexander County Church…Taylorsville woman jailed…Conover man gets prison time for drug trafficking…Man charged with three Statesville armed robberies…Caldwell County Deputies make big drug bust…Statesville man wins $4 million in lottery
Weather: Sunny and Wind with high in low 60’s
Sports: The final Realignment for High School Conferences expected next week. Cougars hoping for shift westward…How hot is Hubert’s seat in Chapel after another loss for the Tar Heels…Wake Forest wacked on the road…Canes black the Rangers in The Garden…Chiefs holding as 1.5 point favorite in Super Bowl

Heather Graham
Manhunt in North Carolina
Funeral fight in Florida
Word of the Day: taciturn [ tas-i-turn ] Inclined to silence; reserved in speech; reluctant to join in conversation. To be dour, stern, and silent in expression and manner. From Latin meaning quiet. “While ramblers ramble and babblers babble, the taciturn among us turn things down a notch, preferring to keep mum rather than add their voices to the verbal hubbub. “
Quote of the Day: “An army of principles can penetrate where an army of soldiers cannot”… Thomas Paine (Born this day in 1737)