* * * * T U E S D A Y * * * * A P R I L 2nd * * * * D A Y 92 of 2019 * * * *
It’s World Autism Day ! Autism affects approximately 1 out of every 150 children around the world
It’s Peanut Butter and Jelly Sandwich Day ! I still eat them, still love them, and it’s gotta be Jiff !
1792: The Coinage Act establishes the United States Mint
1917: President Woodrow Wilson asks the U.S. Congress for a declaration of war on Germany in WWI
1974: “The Sting” is named best picture at the Oscars. One my all time favorites
1992: Mafia boss John Gotti is convicted of murder and racketeering and is later sentenced to life in prison2014: The U.S. Supreme Court ruled that limits on the total amount of money individuals can give political candidates and political action committees were unconstitutional
In the News: Hickory student dies as result of fall at school…Taylorsville Town Board meets today…Stony Point woman nabbed for Larceny by Taylorsville Police…Four Fugitives wanted by office of Probation and Parole…Statesville woman arrested again for communicating with alleged rape victim…Former Catawba County Judge arrested on statutory sex offense charge
Weather: Showers maybe mixed with Snow early then we clear
Sports: AC Men’s Golf places second in Conference match…Cougar Baseball, Softball, Women’s Soccer at Watauga today… Millsaps, Pennell, and Sherrill making it happen at Pfeiffer…Little leaves Chapel Hill…Hornets lose again…Braves win home opener…Canes need a road win tonight in Toronto
Happy Birthday: Linda Hunt, Don Sutton, Emmylou Harris, Hank Steinbrenner, Billy Dean
Reports are that Mick Jagger will undergo a heart procedure later in the week. The Rolling Stones frontman lives a healthy now but when he was younger, not so much. Jagger is 75 !
If you see a flake of snow this morning, call 6 people. Isn’t that what people from Alexander County do ?
Did you fall victim to an April Fools joke ?
Quote of the Day: “If no one knows when a person is going to die, how can we say he died prematurely?”…George Carlin