* * * * T U E S D A Y * * * * M A R C H 12th * * * * D A Y 71 of 2019 * * * *
Happy Plant a Flower Day !
It’s Fanny Pack Day. Look guys, don’t wear one. It just don’t look right on us
1894: Coca-Cola begins selling their product in bottles for the first time
1912: The Girls Scouts Organization was founded. Sorry girls, I can’t buy cookies from all of you
1918: Moscow is proclaimed the capital of Russia. St Petersburg had been capital for over 200 years
1930: Mahatma Gandhi begins his “March to the Sea”
1959: Hawaii becomes our 50th State
2009: Bernard Madoff pleads guilty in New York to scamming $18 billion, the largest in Wall Street history
In the News: Fire destroys Alexander County home…County Commissioners attend national conference…County Board of Education meets this evening…Man being sought after Iredell shooting…Lenoir man charged with child sex crimes…Former Wilkes County coach charged with sex crimes involving minors…Two women charged with meth trafficking…Probation Officer arrested
Weather: Sunshine, Sunshine, Sunshine !!! How about that ?
Sports: Cougar Baseball, Softball, Women’s Soccer take on West Caldwwell today…Wofford punches ticket to Big Dance…ACC Tournament begins today…Zion sweeps ACC Awards…Hornets lose on the road…NFL Free Agent Frenzy…Hurricanes stay hot
Happy Birthday: Barbara Feldon, Liza Minnelli, Mitt Romney, James Taylor, Jon Provost, Dale Murphy
Elton John plays Raleigh tonight. I’ve been to countless concerts in my life but his was the best I ever attended. Nobody has the material and he’s a showman of epic proportion.
It’s had to believe the whining over the loss of an hour of sleep after we switched to Daylight Savings Time. Come on, suck it up, Snowflake !
Here it is, the most insane story ever. A new study says that air pollution is racial. African Americans and Hispanics breath more polluted air than whites. I’m not making this up, check out page 6A in today’s edition of USA TODAY !
Quote of the Day: “Look officer, I’m not being a smartass. All I’m saying is, if you caught me, then you were speeding too”…Unknown