Tuesday, January 23
It’s Rhubarb Pie Day
1789: Georgetown College (now University) was established as the first Catholic college in the U.S. The school is in Washington, DC
1845: Congress decided all national elections would be held on the first Tuesday after the first Monday in November
1849: Elizabeth Blackwell is awarded her M.D. by the Geneva Medical College of Geneva, New York, becoming the United States’ first female doctor
1950: The Israeli Knesset approved a resolution proclaiming Jerusalem as the capital of Israel
1968: North Korea seized the U.S. Navy ship Pueblo, charging it had intruded into the nation’s territorial waters on a spying mission. The crew was released 11 months later
1971: In Prospect Creek Camp, Alaska the lowest temperature ever recorded in the U.S. was reported as minus 80 degrees. That’s not wind chill either
1997: Madeleine Albright becomes the first woman to serve as United States Secretary of State
2002: American journalist Daniel Pearl is kidnapped in Pakistan and subsequently murdered
In the News: Man Shot in Alexander County Sunday night…Fatal shooting in Hickory…Alexander County extends property filing…Conover man charged with sexual offense…Wilkes County woman charged in Alexander County…Hickory man charged by Alexander County Deputies
Weather: Clouds, maybe a sprinkle
Sports: Cougar Hoops host Hibriten tonight…Tar Heels wallop Wake with big 2nd half…Hornets win, wow !…Panthers stay in house for GM, for sure Dan Morgan can’t do worse…
Happy Birthday: : Chita Rivera, Jerry Kramer, Richard Dean Anderson, Chesley Sullenberger, Robin Zander, Mariska Hargitay, Norah O’Donnell
Smoking while running a Marathon ? https://www.yahoo.com/entertainment/chinese-man-chain-smoked-way-131100769.html
The Frisbee was born this day https://www.foxnews.com/lifestyle/this-day-history-jan-23-1957-wham-o-produces-first-frisbees-leisure-sport
Word of the Day: umbriferous [ uhm-brif-er-uhs ] Casting or making shade. From Latin meaning shade-bringing

Taylor Swift