* * * * T U E S D A Y * * * * O C T O B E R 23rd * * * * D A Y 291 of 2018 * * * *
Happy Boston Cream Pie Day ! Does it have to be from Boston ?

Original iPod
The Stock Market begins to crash in 1929. The Great Depression would follow
1946: The United Nations General Assembly convenes for the first time in New York City
President Nixon agrees to turn over subpoenaed audio tapes of his Oval Office conversations in 1973
1983: The U.S. Marines barracks in Beirut is hit by a truck bomb, killing 241 U.S. military personnel
Joe Carter of the Toronto Blue Jays wins the World Series with a walk-off homer to beat the Philadelphia Phillies in 1993
In the News: Hickory man charged with sex offenses with a child in Alexander County…Man stabbed Ellendale, woman charged…Break in and larceny at Emerald Hollow Mine..Major drug sting in Iredell County…Man enters plea in Catawba County murder…Man dies in Burke motorcycle crash…Early Voting continues, turnout near 10% so far
Weather: Sunny and Warmer today
Sports: Hickory nips Cougar Soccer…AC Volleyball begins state playoff action today…LR Ranked…Falcons win in Monday Night Football…Panther injury report…Preseason College Hoop Poll is released…Hornets fall on road…Canes beat the Wings

Doug Flutie
Buy your tickets to the Alexander Central Athletic Boosters Port-A-Pit Chicken fundraiser. It’s Saturday evening. Tickets are available at multiple locations around the community and can also be purchased Friday night at the Football Game.
Plastic in your poop ? New study says plastic is showing up in human stool samples
Let’s see, the Mega Millions Jackpot is $1.6 Billion. That looks like this, $1,600,000,000. Impressive !
Quote of the Day: “I was so naive as a kid I used to sneak behind the barn and do nothing”…Johnny Carson (Born this day in 1925)