* * * * T H U R S D A Y * * * * F EB R U A R Y 21st * * * * D A Y 52 of 2019 * * * *
1842: John Greenough is granted the first U.S. patent for the sewing machine
1947: Edwin Land demonstrates the first “instant camera” and photography changed forever
1948: NASCAR is incorporated
1972: President Richard Nixon visits the People’s Republic of China
1975: Former United States Attorney General John N. Mitchell and former White House aides H. R. Haldeman and John Ehrlichman are sentenced to prison as result of the Watergate investigation

Steve Fossett
In the News: Latest on double Murder Investigation…Hickory School Bus collides with another vehicle…Town of Blowing Rock and Caldwell County embroiled in lawsuit…New Broughton Hospital in Morganton is nearing completion…
Weather: More Rain, but you knew that
Sports: Heels Spank Zionless Devils…Pack get win…LRU ends losing streak…Cougars play Hickory in NWC Semi-Final tonight…NBA wanders back onto court tonight…Canes in Florida…Panthers make some staff changes
Happy Birthday: William Peterson, Kelsey Grammer, Mary Chapin Carpenter, Alan Trammell, Jennifer Love Hewitt, Charlotte Church

William Petersen

Mary Chapin Carpenter
I’ve mentioned it a few times over the years that actress Laura Linney has ties to Alexander County. Check out this week’s edition of THE TAYLORSVILLE TIMES for a piece on just that little tidbit. Her roots will be traced on a PBS show next Tuesday !
Thanks to the kind gentleman that bought my breakfast, thanks for the kind words too
When, and if, the Sun ever appears again, Let’s all go Streaking !!!
Quote of the Day: “Wealth consists not in having great possessions, but in having few wants”.. Epictetus