* * * * F R I D A Y * * * * D E C E M B E R 7th * * * * D A Y 341 of 2018 * * * *

U.S. S. Arizona
Delaware became the first state to ratify the Constitution in 1787
1869: Jesse James commits his first confirmed bank robbery in Gallatin, Missouri
1963: Instant replay makes its debut during the Army-Navy football game
1982: In Texas, Charles Brooks, Jr., becomes the first person to be executed by lethal injection in the United States. Brooks had been convicted of murder
In the News: Area preparing for what could be major winter storm…The 2018 County Christmas Parade now available online…Company closes in Wilkes County…Former Taylorsville man facing long list of charges…Hickory woman nabbed on felony counts…Catawba County teen sentenced to prison..Burke County Authorities searching for armed robbery suspect
Weather: *** WINTER STORM WARNING *** The fun begins Saturday
Sports: Cougar Hoops fall to Patton, go to Ashe County tonight…AC Baseball coach Pete Hardee to be honored this evening…Regional finals in High School Football tonight…West Wilkes Looking for coach…Panther must win at Cleveland…Wake beats Charlotte…
Happy Birthday: Ellen Burstyn, Susan Isaacs, Johnny Bench, Tom Waits, Larry Bird, Terrell Owens

Johnny Bench (Rookie Card)

Larry Bird Signs With Celtics
Let’s see, yep I’m ready for the storm. I hope…
Alexander County Emergency Management Director, Russell Greene will join me this morning live on the Radio at 7:45. We’ll talk about preparing for the Winter Storm forecast for this weekend
Quote of the Day: “I fear all we have done is to awaken a sleeping giant and fill him with a terrible resolve”…Japanese Admiral Isoroku Yamamoto after the attack on Pearl Harbor