* * * * M O N D A Y * * * * F E B R U A R Y * * * * D A Y 56 of 2019 * * * *

I’ll Raise !
Happy Chocolate Covered Peanuts Day !
1836: Samuel Colt is granted a patent for the Colt revolver
1901: J. P. Morgan incorporates the United States Steel Corporation
1933: The Ranger, America’s first Aircraft Carrier is launched
1957: Buddy Holly records “That’ll be the Day”
1987: Southern Methodist University’s football program is the first to be banned from competition by the NCAA
In the News: Barn Fire Sunday in Ellendale Community…Sheriff’s Office into week 3 of double murder investigation…Tow Burke County men charged with meth trafficking…Statesville woman nabbed on long list of charges
Weather: Sunny and Windy. NO RAIN !!!
Sports: Cougar Men’s Basketball get ready for State Playoffs…Duke wins without Zion…Heels impressive on Saturday…Pack win 20th Sunday night…Brad Kaselowski wins in Atlanta…Dustin Johnson brings back a lot of cash from Mexico
Happy Birthday: Sally Jessy Raphael, Bob Schieffer, Billy Packer, Ric Flair, Téa Leoni, Sean Astin, Rashida Jones

Ric Flair

Sean Astin
It looks to me like Robert Kraft, the owner of the New England Patriots could afford to go to a classier place to get a massage. Or whatever he went to get there…
If you go outside today to get some Sun, check the expiration date on your Sun Screen ! It’s been a while you know !
Quote of the Day: “I’m 30 years old bu I read at a 34 year-old-level”…Dana Carvey