* * * * M O N D A Y * * * * D E C E M B E R 31st * * * * D A Y 365 of 2018 * * * *
It’s New Years Eve !
It’s Make up your mind day ! I can’t decide if that’s good or bad
The city of Baltimore in incorporated in 1796
1878: Karl Benz, working in Mannheim, Germany, filed for a patent on his first reliable two-stroke gas engine. The patent would be granted in 1879
1879: Thomas Edison demonstrates incandescent lighting to the public for the first time, in Menlo Park, New Jersey.
1907: The first New Year’s Eve celebration is held in New York City’s Times Square
1967: The Green Bay Packers won the NFL championship game by defeating the Dallas Cowboys 21-17. The game is known as the Ice Bowl since it was played in a wind chill of 40 degrees below zero1983: The AT&T Bell System is broken up by the United States Government
In the News: Woman charged after bus accident make court appearance today… Taylorsville woman facing felony charges in Catawba County…Lenoir man charged with stabbing a female…Cherokee man nabbed on felony charges in Hickory…Catawba County teen facing multiple charges…
Weather: More Rain to end an already wet 2018
Sports: Cougar men get third in Holiday tournament…It’s Alabama and Clemson again…Wolfpack go Bowling today…Panthers end disappointing season with win…It looks like Coach Ron Rivera will return in 2019…NFL Playoff pairings are set…
Happy Birthday: Anthony Hopkins, Ben Kingsley, Tim Matheson, Bebe Neuwirth, Val Kilmer, Nicholas Sparks, Donald Trump Jr.
Remarkably, my most memorable moment from 2018 was the Lady Cougars capturing the school’s 10th title in softball. The team was special with a little magic dust sprinkled on for good measure. I’m not sure anyone thought they would make the run they did early in the season. Thanks for a thrill ! What’s your fondest memory from 2018 ?
The odds of getting three Sunny Days in a row is infinity
Quote of the Day: “He who laughs, lasts”…Mary Pettibone Poole