Monday, May 13th. Day 134 of 2024
Happy Apple Pie Day !
1888: DeWolf Hooper for the first time recites “Casey at Bat”
1912: The Royal Flying Corps, the forerunner of the Royal Air Force, is established in the United Kingdom
1940: Winston Churchill says “I have nothing to offer but blood, toil, tears and sweat” in his first speech as Prime Minister to British House of Commons
1965: The Rolling Stones record “Satisfaction”
1981: Pope John Paul II is shot and critically wounded by a Turkish gunman in St Peter’s Square, Vatican City

Frazier Cast
2021: The United States Center For Disease Control announces that Americans that have been vaccinated for COVID-19 can cease wearing a mask
In the News:
Weather: More Clouds than Sun. Shower begin tonight
Sports: Alexander Central Softball and Baseball will play in Round III of State Playoffs on Tuesday…AC Women’s Soccer earns Playoff Bid…Hollar represents ACHS today at State Golf Championships…LRU Softball makes Super Regional…Rory likes Charlotte…Canes on the brink in New York…Kaselowski ends winless streak
Happy Birthday: Harvey Keitel, Stevie Wonder, Dennis Rodman, Stephen Colbert, Lari White, Chris Washburn, Darius Rucker
Beware of “Spaving”
106-year-old man is World’s Oldest Skydiver
Word of the Day: pander [ pan-der ] To cater to or profit from the weaknesses or vices of others. To act as a pimp or procurer of clients for (a prostitute) Middle English
Quote of the Day: “I don’t like money, actually, but it quiets my nerves” … Joe Louis (Born this day in 1914)