* * * * * F R I D A Y * * * * D E C E M B E R 28th * * * * D A Y 362 of 2018 * * * *

Royal Flush
1832: John C. Calhoun becomes the first Vice President to resign
Earthquakes in Sicily and Mesina kill over 75,000 people in 1908
Congress officially recognized the Pledge of Allegiance in 1945
1958: Called the “Greatest Game Ever Played”: Baltimore Colts defeat the New York Giants in the first ever National Football League sudden death overtime game at New York’s Yankee Stadium
The Endangered Species Act is passed in 1973
Montgomery Ward goes out of business after 128 years in 2000
In the News: Duke Energy will raise water level on Lookout Shoals Lake…Fatal crash in Catawba County…Lincolnton woman listed as missing…Crime Spree lands three in jail…Man arrested on major drug charges in Iredell County…Burke man nabbed for possession of stolen vehicle…Man from conover facing weapons charges
Weather: Rain today
Sports: Lady Cougar Hoops taste victory in Hickory Tournament on Thursday… AC Men get overtime win over Bunker Hill…Clemson will be without three players in Saturday Showdown…Duke Roars back to get Bowl win…Final weekend of NFL regular season…Can fall to Caps
Happy Birthday: Maggie Smith, Edgar Winter, Denzel Washington, Gayle King, Seth Meyers, John Legend

Maggie Smith

Denzel Washington
Super Incredibly Happy to see the Lady Cougars get a win Thursday. Way to go Girls !!!
Could today be the day that Sears dies? The retailer is in big trouble if some sort of deal is not reached by midnight according to reports
Why is everything so good, so bad for you ?
Quote of the Day: “It’s not the load that breaks you down but the way you carry it”…Lou Holtz