* * * F R I D A Y * * * * O C T O B E R 18th * * * * D A Y 292 of 2018 * * * *
It’s Evaluate Your Life Day ! Do I have to ?
1781: British General Lord Cornwallis surrenders to U.S. General George Washington at the battle of Yorktown, Virginia. It is considered the last major battle of the Revolutionary War
Streptomycin, the first antibiotic remedy for tuberculosis, is isolated by researchers at Rutgers University in 1943
The United States imposes a near-total trade embargo against Cuba in 1960
The Dow Jones Industrial Average falls by 22% in 1987. It referred to as “Black Monday”

Saddam Huessein
In the News: Man from Taylorsville listed as missing…Early Voting continues today… Apple Festival is Saturday in town….Harbinson honored by NC Lawyers Weekly…State confirms abuse allegations at Morganton Development Center…Hickory man charged with heroin possession
Weather: Lots of Sunshine Today, Clouds and Showers Saturday Morning
Sports: Red Sox Headed to World Series…Cougars travel to St Stephens tonight…JV Cougars Roll to 29th straight win…Denver buries Arizona…Can the Pack take down Clemson ? NASCAR in Kansas

John Lithgow
Dig out the outerwear, it’s gonna be a chilly weekend
I sure am hoping for NC State to pull a shocker Saturday at Clemson
Mega Millions draw tonight is close to $1 Billion
See you at the Apple Festival Saturday !
Quote of the Day: “In Ireland, a writer is looked upon as a failed conversationalist” Irish Proverb