* * * F R I D A Y * * * * N O V E M B E R 2nd * * * * D A Y 307 of 2018 * * * *
It’s Deviled Egg Day
Happy Love Your Lawyer Day ! Isn’t that a lot like Love the IRS Day ?
1920: KDKA Radio of Pittsburgh starts broadcasting as the first commercial radio station in America
1947: Howard Hughes performs the maiden (and only) flight of the Hughes H-4 Hercules (also known as the “Spruce Goose”), the largest fixed-wing aircraft ever built
President Reagan signs a bill creating Martin Luther King, Jr. Day in 1983
1984: Velma Barfield becomes the first woman executed in the United States since 1962. She was executed in Raliegh for the murder of her husband but confessed to a total of 6 homicides
2016: The Chicago Cubs defeat the Cleveland Indians in the World Series, ending the longest Major League Baseball championship drought at 108 years
In the News: Alexander County man arrested on child sex charges…High speed chase ends with arrest…Taylorsville woman charged with possession of meth…Early voting turnout nearing 30 percent…Homicide investigation in Burke County…Armed Robbery in Granite Falls
Weather: Looks like another wet Friday, Weekend looks crisp and clear
Sports: Cougar JV Football Slams South Caldwell…AC hosts the Spartans tonight…Madi Suddreth named preseason all league…49rs win Battle of the Bay…Panthers prepare for Bucs…Showdown for Bama and LSU Saturday night…LRU goes for conference crown Saturday…Hornets lose…NASCAR in Texas

JD Souther
Listen for Cougar Football Trivia this morning at 7:45. Tickets to tonight’s game and a free food! It’s brought to you by Carolina Farm Credit and PJ’s Bethlehem Seafood and Steak
Don’t forget to Fall Back saturday night. The nation returns to standard time. Change the batteries in your smoke alarms and CO2 detectors too
Please, no Christmas lights yet
Quote of the Day: “I bought some batteries but they weren’t included”…Steven Wright