* * * * T U E S D A Y * * * * M A R C H 19th * * * D A Y 78 of 2019 * * * *
It’s the Last Day of Winter !!!
Happy Poultry Day ! Which came first, the Chicken or the Egg ?
1918: Congress establishes time zones and approves daylight saving time
1931: The state of Nevada legalized gambling
1945: As Germany was collapsing, Adolf Hitler issued the “Nero Decree” ordering the destruction of all German infrastructure
1966: Texas Western ( University of Texas El Paso) becomes the first college basketball team to win the Final Four with an all-black starting lineup
1977: The last episode of the Mary Tyler Moore Show airs on CBS
1979: The House of Representatives begins broadcasting its day-to-day business via the cable television network C-SPAN
In the News: Three now is custody in Alexander County Double Murder…Taylorsville woman pleads guilty to murder of her aunt..Taylorsville man jailed for violation of parole…Alexander County man charged with disseminating obscenity…Unemployment creeps up in Alexander County…County Board of Elections hold Public Meeting today
Weather: More Sunshine after chilly start
Sports: Busy Day For Cougar Athletics…Vada Sherrill has a week for the record books…Let the Dance Begin, NCAA Hoop Tourney begins with “First Four” tonight…Duke is Vegas favorite…Pack play in NIT this evening…
Happy Birthday: Ursula Andress, Glenn Close, Harvey Weinstein, Bruce Willis, Andy Reid, Clayton Kershaw

Glenn Close

Bruce Willis
Cougars are supposed to be extinct in North Carolina but sightings are abundant. A number of reports have come forward in the last several weeks in McDowell County
It takes nerve to install a drive-thru window in your mobile home for the purpose of selling meth but it happened in Florida
Got a robo-call from a really sexy sounding female Monday. I’ll bet she’s not nearly as hot as she sounds
Quote of the Day: “If you tell the truth, it becomes a part of your past. If you lie, it becomes a part of your future”….Unknown, but I’m buying it !