Candidate filing for most contests in 2022 elections begins at noon Monday December 6, and ends at noon Friday December 17.
Each person seeking to become a candidate must file a notice of candidacy form and pay the filing fee with the proper board of elections. The fee is generally 1% of the office’s base salary. Filing Fees over $50 must be paid by check. If paying with cash, correct change is required. Candidates for State Senator, State House Representative, and all county and local offices must file their notice of candidacy with their county board of elections. Candidates for Federal offices, Superior Court Judge, District Court Judge, and District Attorney must file their notice of candidacy with the State Board of Elections. Except for the first and last days of filing, candidates may file at the County Board of Elections from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.
No one is permitted to file as a candidate in a party primary unless he or she has been affiliated with that party for at least 90 days as of the date of that persons filing of notice of candidacy. A person registered as “unaffiliated” is ineligible to file as a candidate in a partisan primary election. Board of Education contests are non-partisan and not subject to party affiliation requirements.
The date of the General Election is Tuesday, November 8, 2022. To determine the nominee for certain contests, there is a primary election on Tuesday, March 8, 2022.
For more information about filing, visit the NC State Board of Elections website at or call the Alexander County Board of Elections office at 828-632-2990.