Authorities said Navaeh Blaze Rollins worked at the McDonald’s at 171 NC Highway 16 in Denver, and left the restaurant at around 10:55 p.m. after working her shift.
According to officials, Rollins possibly got into a gunmetal gray square-bodied crew cab truck with dark windows and dark rims. The vehicle may have been a Ford Ranger and was driven by an unknown person.
Rollins is described as being 5 feet, 8 inches tall and weighing 110 pounds. She has long dark hair that had been dyed red.
Rollins was last seen wearing a McDonald’s work shirt, black silky jacket, black and white tennis shoes, dark gray pants and a blue McDonald’s visor.
Anyone with information on where Rollins may be is asked to contact the Lincoln County Sheriff’s Office at 704-732-9050.
Photo: Lincoln County Sheriff’s Office