Photo: momables.com
It’s Holocaust Rememberance Day
Happy Chocolate Cake Day !
1785: The University of Georgia was founded. “Honker down you hairy Dawgs”
1880: Thomas Edison receives a patent for his incandescent lamp
1927: United Independent Broadcasters Inc started a radio network with with 16 stations. The company later became CBS
1945: Soviet troops liberated the Nazi concentration camps Auschwitz and Birkenau in Poland
1967: Astronauts Gus Grissom, Ed White and Roger Chaffee are killed in a fire during a test of their Apollo 1 spacecraft at the Kennedy Space Center, Florida
1973: The Vietnam peace accords were signed in Paris
1992: Former world boxing champion Mike Tyson went on trial for allegedly raping an 18-year-old contestant in the 1991 Miss Black America Contest
2010: Steve Jobs unveiled the first Apple iPad
In the News: Taylorsville couple charged with intentional child abuse scheduled to make court appearance today…taylorsville man being held on sexual assault charges has court appearance today…Alexander County man charged with felony drug and weapons offenses…Malicious conduct by prisoner charge filed at Alexander County Jail…Man shot by Conover Police
Weather: Sunshine mixed with a few clouds, high in low to mid 50’s
Sports: Cougar Hoops take 3 of 4 from Freedom Friday night…Chiefs Super Bowl Train headed to New Orleans…Eagles wallop Washington…NC State at Duke tonight, it could get ugly…Canes make an All-In trade

Rosamand Pike
It’s been a topic for a long time. Could California leave the Union ? https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/nation/2025/01/24/country-of-california-secession-newsom-trump/77907859007/
Landmark ruling in French Court https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/world/ar-AA1xNwh2
Word of the Day: sauna [ saw-nuh ] A bath that uses dry heat to induce perspiration, and in which steam is produced by pouring water on heated stones. A bathhouse or room, usually of wood, equipped for such a bath. Borrowed into English from Finnish in the 1800’s
Quote of the Day: “It’s crazy that we happen to have a country where it depends on what political party you are in whether you believe in climate change or not.”… Barry Barish