Thursday, January 18th
Happy Thesaurus Day. It should be law that every American citizen own and use one
It’s Winnie the Pooh Day ! How do you loosen a jar from the nose of a bear ?
1778: James Cook is the first known European to arrive on the Hawaiian Islands, He names them “Sandwich Islands”
1911: Aviation history is made. Eugene B. Ely lands on the deck of the USS Pennsylvania anchored in San Francisco Bay, the first time an aircraft landed on a ship
1958: Willie O’Ree, the first Black Canadian player player makes his NHL debut with the Boston Bruins
1990: Washington, D.C. Mayor Marion Barry is arrested for drug possession in an FBI sting. Despite video to prove it, the mental midgets in DC re-elect him. Remember that the next time DC cries for statehood
1996: Lisa Marie files for divorce from Michael Jackson

Glenn Frey
In the News: 152 drug overdoses reported last year in Alexander County, 14 were fatal…Hiddenite man arrested… Hiddenite couple jailed after traffic stop…Burke County man detained in Alexander County…Jury in Iredell County finds man not-guilty of rape…Granite Falls man pleads guilty to federal fraud charges…
Weather: A little warmer and not as Sunny. Frigid conditions this weekend
Sports: Cougar Basketball host South Caldwell tonight…Heels on a roll.. App is hot…Hornets are not…ACC files complaint against Florida State…Cowboys will keep their coach
Happy Birthday: Bobby Goldsboro, Kevin Costner, Sharon Mitchell, Mark Messier, Julius Peppers, Jason Segel, Max Fried, Leonard Fournette
Richard Simmons biopic is in the works
Word of the Day: nonplussed [ non-pluhst ] To be completely puzzled or perplexed by something, unexpected, out of the norm. Nonplussed comes from the verb nonplus, “to render utterly perplexed by something unexpected.” More recently, nonplussed has been used to mean “indifferent or unexcited,” a contradictory second meaning. Sentence: Upon hearing the mind-boggling plot twist in the movie, I sat in silence, completely nonplussed by the unexpected turn of events.
Quote of the Day: “I wasn’t born a fool. It took work to get this way” … Danny Kaye (Born this day in 1918)