* * * * W E D N E S D A Y * * * * M A R C H 20th * * * * D A Y 79 of 2019 * * * *
It’s Spring ! It begins officially at 5:58 pm but let’s go with it early
Happy Ravioli Day ! Have you ever had real Ravioli ? Not the stuff in the can, love it !
1854: The Republican Party of the United States is organized in Ripon, Wisconsin
1915: Albert Einstein publishes his general theory of relativity.
1987: The Food and Drug Administration approves the anti-AIDS drug, AZT
2003: The United States and three other countries (the UK, Australia and Poland) begin military operations in Iraq
2015: A Solar eclipse, equinox, and a Supermoon all occur on the same day
In the News: Man charged with murder has change of counsel…Taylorsville woman charged with larceny of vehicle…Stony Point man charged…Threats at North Iredell High School…High Tech Peeping Tom arrested in Hickory…
Weather: Sunshine again but still chilly
Sports: Cougar Softball and Baseball Roll over Hickory…Men’s Tennis wins…Cougar Golf Team places second in Conference match…Pack and UNCG win in NIT…Hornets play, Hornets lose…Canes continue to melt the ice…Panthers add some depth on defense…Mike Trout, brother can you float me a loan ?…Major League Baseball begins season this morning in Japan
Happy Birthday: Carl Reiner, Pat Riley, Boby Orr, Spike Lee, William Hurt, Holly Hunter, Kathy Ireland

Spike Lee

Kathy Ireland
Astounding, Spring is here and I don’t have a thing to wear
A new baby chimp has been born at the North Carolina Zoo. Zookeepers say mom and baby doing well
Wow, Mike Trout has been offered a contract to baseball for the next 12 years. The Angels will pay him $432 Million. He is without debate the best player in the game and it’s really not close but that’s a heck of chunk on money
At what age do we become an adult ? New research says it’s later than we think
Quote of the Day: “The first day of spring is one thing, and the first spring day is another. The difference between them is sometimes as great as a month”…Henry Van Dyke