* * * * T H U R S D A Y * * * * M A R C H 7th * * * * D A Y 66 of 2019 * * * *
Happy Cereal Day ! What’s your favorite ?
1876: Alexander Graham Bell is granted a patent for an invention he calls the Telephone
1887: NC State University is founded. Go Pack !
1945: American Toops cross the Rhine River and roll into Germany
1965: Bloody Sunday: A group of 600 civil rights marchers is attacked by state and local police in Selma, Alabama
2016: Peyton Manning announces his retirement from Football
In the News: Home destroyed by fire this morning in Alexander County…Linney’s Mill featured tonight in UNC TV…Taylorsville man facing drug charges in Caldwell County…Hiddenite man facing weapons charge…Hickory man charged with firing weapon into occupied area…Man charged with Statesville armed robbery…
Weather: More Sunshine but Clouds build during the day
Sports: Cougar Softball and Baseball host Watauga today…Pack suffers hurtfull loss…LR men and women get Tournament wins…Hornets look bad in loss…Panthers make some roster moves
Happy Birthday: Willard Scott, Franco Harris, Lynn Swann, Bryan Cranston, Rachel Weisz, Jenna Fischer

Bryan Cranston

Rachel Weisz
Unable to answer the bell on Wednesday, thanks for all the calls, messages, texts. Much Better today
The sky on Wednesday was as Carolina Blue as it gets. Lovely !
Turn on the Radio today for Ask Harbinson, Brzykcy, and Corbett. Joel Harbinson will be in the studio. We’ll talk about Going through a Criminal Jury Trial from start to finish. 5pm on the Radio and streaming online
Quote of the Day: “You don’t really know anything about a woman until you meet her in court”…Norman Mailer