The Iredell County Sheriff’s is currently searching for Ted Stokes Sr., of 4901 Taylorsville Highway, Stony Point, and his granddaughter Azaria Shariel Stokes. A missing person report has been filed with the Iredell County Sheriff’s Office.
Ted Stokes Sr., is 84 Years old, 5’6” inches tall, approximately 150 pounds. Stokes usually wears a button up shirt with Tan pants. Azaria Shariel Stokes is 10 years old. She is wearing a White and Green Shirt, Blue Jeans, White Socks and Green Shoes. She is approximately 90 pounds.
They were last seen today at approximately 11:00 am in Lowell, North Carolina.
Stokes was driving a 2000 Toyota Camry, Gold in color with a North Carolina Registration Plate of PDS-7634.
Ted Stokes has cognitive issues according to his family. Azaria Stokes has been diagnosed with Autism according to the family.
Update: The Iredell County Sheriff’s Office has confirmed that Mr Stokes and his granddaughter have been found and they are safe !