The Alexander County Board of Elections will hold a public meeting on Thursday February 25, 2021 at 8:30am. This meeting will be held at the Alexander County Emergency Services Building located at 75 1st Street SW. Social distancing and wearing a mask will be required. Members of the public may view and listen to proceedings at:
The purpose of this meeting is to conduct a public demonstration of ES&S Voting System The Board will also decide whether to make a preliminary recommendation to the Alexander County Board Commissioners for the adoption and acquisition of ES&S Voting System Alexander County currently uses ES&S Unity Voting System. The current voting system is comprised of the DS200 precinct tabulator, which was acquired in 2016 and the AutoMark ballot marking device, which was acquired in 2006.
Federal law requires that each voting place have an accessible voting option for voters with disabilities to vote independently. ES&S voting system is comprised of the DS200 precinct tabulator, which has been in use in Alexander County since 2016, and the ExpressVote ballot-marking device, which would replace the AutoMark ballot-marking device. Additional information on voting equipment can be found on the North Carolina State Board of Elections website: