Friday, January 17th
It’s Bootlegger Day. Lots of them in our area, back in the day
Happy Popeye Day !
1806: James Madison Randolph, grandson of President Thomas Jefferson becomes the first child born in the White House. No accurate count as to how many may been sired there
1916: The Professional Golfers Association is formed
1929: Popeye the Sailor Man, created by E. C. Segar, first appears in the Thimble Theater comic strip
1934: Ferdinand Porsche submitted a design for a people’s car, a “Volkswagen,” to the new German Reich
1977: Capital punishment in the United States resumes after a ten-year hiatus, as convicted murderer Gary Gilmore is executed by firing squad in Utah
1995: More than 6,000 people are killed in an earthquake that devastates Kobe, Japan
1998: Matt Drudge breaks the story of the Bill Clinton–Monica Lewinsky affair on his Drudge Report website
2013: Former cyclist Lance Armstrong confesses to his doping in a poorly done interview with Oprah Winfrey. She threw him batting practice, she should have been throwing heat
In the News: Autopsy does not identify human remains found this week north of Taylorsville…Taylorsville man sentenced to prison…Alexander County man served series of warrants…Probation and Parole Officers apprehend Taylorsville woman…Hickory man arrested on 20 counts of sexual exploitation of minor…Former Statesville Police officer enters guilty plea to assault charge
Weather: Nice Day, Sunny high near 50. Rain Saturday and Butt Biting Cold Next Week!
Sports: AC Wrestling at Ashe County this evening…Cougar Basketball at South Caldwell tonight…Duke, UNC, NC State and Wake Forest all on the hardwood Saturday…NFL’s Elite 8 is front and center this weekend and it should be terrific…My NFL picks, Kansas City, Detroit, Philadelphia and I hope Buffalo…

Susanna Hoffs
Report says young women have a much greater risk of cancer as compared to young men
Word of the Day: jocular [ jok-yuh-ler ] Given to, characterized by, intended for, or suited to joking or jesting. From Latin meaning to joke.
Quote of the Day: “My toughest fight was with my first wife” … Muhammad Ali (Born this Day in 1942)