Dr Denita Dowell-Reavis
The Alexander County Board of Education held its regularly scheduled meeting for January on the 13th. The meeting opened with the pledge led by board member Jesse Bowles.
Honors and Recognitions
Dr. Denita Dowell-Reavis opened the meeting with recognition for Finance Assistant Andrea Robinette. The North Carolina Association of School Business Officials (NCASBO) reports Andrea Robinette has successfully completed the NCASBO School Business Management Academy Director Certification. Certification requires completion of thirty-six courses with an assessment for each. The curriculum consists of courses in accounting, financial management, law including legal responsibilities, and business office operations.
The NCASBO School Business Management Academy was established in 2006 to develop our future school business leaders through a comprehensive training program in the area of school finance. The Academy provides focused training to school business officials in order to:
1) Promote the highest professional and ethical standards of school business management practices for NC schools;
2) Offer practical information that will help school business officials succeed and excel in their employment; and ,
3) Establish a basis for advancing professionalism of school business officials to assure school districts that current or prospective business officials have a base knowledge about laws,
regulations, and procedures for the ultimate benefit of the students of North Carolina’s public school system.
Ms. Robinette received her certificate on January 9th and will be recognized at the group’s annual conference February 12th.
Dr. Bill Griffin led a recognition of the School Board Members during School Board Appreciation Month. The schools brought t-shirts, hats, gift cards, and more to give to the board members as a thank you for their work on behalf of the district.
Budget Update
Finance Officer Sharon Mehaffey gave a budget update saying ACS has used 47% of the budget at the 50% mark in the school year. She also told the group the overall budget is adding $404,582 in state funds. The additional state funds go to performance bonuses for teachers and to a $308,000 safety grant for the school resource officers.
Calendar Proposals
The board voted unanimously to approve what’s been called Draft One, the calendar that would allow students to finish school before Memorial Day. Students will graduate on May 22nd, the Friday night before the holiday. The committee created two drafts with a goal of releasing students from school as close to Memorial Day as possible. As Communications/Testing and Accountability/Advanced Programs Director Dr. Denita Dowell-Reavis and Superintendent Dr. Bill Griffin had emphasized Draft One gave very little flexibility if there are instances of bad weather during the 2025-26 school year. The district is allowed to have up to five remote days in case of inclement weather but must include at least 1025 instructional hours per school year.
Draft One was the choice most supported in a review by the schools’ staff members, with 9 of the 10 schools favoring it. (Alexander Early College makes its own calendar based on the community college schedule.)
Legislation says school cannot start before the last Monday in August and students can attend no later than the Friday closest to June 11th. Twenty-nine of the state’s 115 school districts started school sooner for the 2024-25 school year, the current year, than what the law permits.
School Board Policies
Finance Director Sharon Mehaffey presented a second reading for three policies which were approved unanimously.
Policy No. 3400: Evaluation of Student Progress
Policy No. 4329/7311: Bullying and Harassing Behavior Prohibited
Policy No. 4334/5035/7345: Use of Unmanned Aircraft (Drones)
The board also heard first reading for three policies and will hear them again with feedback next month.
Policy 3227/7322 – Web Page Development
Policy 3410 – Testing and Assessment Program
Policy 3420 – Student Promotion and Accountability
Board member Anthony McLain was not present for the meeting