Top Row L-R: Rashadd Montel Hill, Damon Jaquan Gresham
Bottom Row: Charmodd Jamek Clagon, Destiny Montae Morgan
In addition, Gresham was served with an outstanding warrant from Gaston County for failure to reduce speed and driving while revoked. Clagon was served with an outstanding warrant from Washington County for felony larceny.
Last Thursday (March 18), shortly before 3 a.m. the Statesville Police Department received a call from Security Central advising multiple subjects inside the fenced area at Great Western Motorcycles in Statesville.
Statesville Police Department Patrol arrived on the scene and found the suspects fled the area before their arrival. Officers discovered the suspects had cut a portion of the security fence to gain entry. A 2020 Honda Talon 1000R, valued at $20,000, removed from the fenced-in area by the suspects, was found next to the property. Members of the Statesville Police Department Crime Reduction Team (CRT) arrived in the area, attempting to locate the suspects.
Crime Reduction Team members spotted a Chrysler passenger vehicle traveling on Sherill Drive traveling toward Industrial Drive. With no other traffic in the area and the close proximity to the crime, members of CRT conducted a stop of the Chrysler passenger vehicle for a motor vehicle violation.
When CRT Officers contacted the occupants of the Chrysler, they observed the above males were muddy, very wet, and dressed in all dark clothing. Officers detained the vehicle occupants while Patrol Officers met with personnel of Great Western Motorcycles and viewed the security footage. Due to distinct details on the males’ clothing, CRT Officers positively identified the males as the males in the security footage at Great Western Motorcycles.
Hill, Gresham, and Clagon all received a $25,000 secured bond. Morgan received a $10,000 secured bond. Hill and Morgan are both scheduled to appear in District Court March 30. Gresham and Clagon have District Court dates scheduled March 31.
Story: Rob Eastwood-WHKY
Photos: Statesville Police Department