Wednesday, October 20th. Day 293 of 2021
Pucker-up, it’s Kissing Day
It’s Chef Day ! I love chef’s because I don’t cook
1774. The Continential Congress prohibits horse racing and all types of gaming. Vote ’em out !
1818: The U.S. and Great Britain established the boundary between the U.S. and Canada to be the 49th parallel
1947: The House Un-American Activities Committee begins its investigation into Communist infiltration of the Hollywood film industry, resulting in a blacklist that prevents some from working in the industry for years
1972: “Crocodile Rock” was released by Elton John
1973: President Richard Nixon fires U.S. Attorney General Elliot Richardson and Deputy Attorney General William Ruckelshaus after they refuse to fire special prosecutor Archibald Cox, who is finally fired by Robert Bork
1977: Lynyrd Skynyrd vocalist Ronnie Van Zant, guitarist Steve Gaines, Cassie Gaines, and road manager Dean Kilpatrick were killed when their plane crashed in Gillsburg, MS. The other four members of the band were seriously injured but survived the crash
1993: Attorney General Janet Reno warned the TV industry to limit the violence in their programs
In the News: Only three new cases of COVID-19 counted on Tuesday in Alexander County…Special Called Meeting for Board of Education on Thursday…Taylorsville man charged with vehicle theft…
Weather: You like lovely ? We have lovely
Sports: Lady Cougar Tennis in State Duals today…Tanner Moore named the Taylorsville Savings Bank-B86 Cougar of the Week…Dodgers rally to down Braves…Astros pull even with the Sox…App State in prime time tonight
Happy Birthday: Keith Hernandez, Kamala Harris, Viggo Mortensen, Snoop Dogg, John Krasinski
It’s not a good idea to mix some things but a COVID-19 vaccination might not apply to that axiom
A city that led the stupid movement is defunding police is feeling the results
Quote of the Day: “He who has the fastest golf cart never has a bad lie”…Mickey Mantle ( Born this day in 1931)