Tuesday, October 12th. Day 285 of 2021. 80 days remain till New Year
Today is Face Your Fears Day. What’s your greatest fear ?
It’s Drink Local Wine Day ! There’s some really great stuff from our area
1492: Christopher Columbus sighted Watling Island in the Bahamas. He believed he had found Asia while attempting to find a Western ocean route to India. The same day he claimed the land for Isabella and Ferdinand of Spain.
1692: The Salem witch trials end by order from Province of Massachusetts Bay Governor William Phips
1793: The cornerstone of Old East, the oldest state university building in the United States, is laid at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill1938: Filming began on “The Wizard of Oz”
1960: Soviet Premier Nikita Khrushchev pounds his shoe on a desk at the United Nations
1998: The House of Representatives passed the Online Copyright Bill
2000: In Yemen, the USS Cole is badly damaged by two suicide bombers, killing 17 crew members and wounding at least 39
In the News: 120th COVID-19 death counted in Alexander county…Alexander County Board of Education meets this evening…Man dies in bicycle crash neat Alex-Wilkes line…Hickory couple nabbed by Taylorsville Police…Hiddenite woman arrested…Stony Point man back in jail after failing to appear in court…Claremont man jailed with stolen vehicle charge by Alexander Sheriff’s Office…
Weather: A few clouds give way to Sunshine by mid-morning
Sports: Lady Cougar Volleyball gets another win…The annual Apple Bowl is tonight…App on the Bayou tonight…Ravens rally for win…Gruden leaves the Raiders…Braves shutout the Brewers again…Sox eliminate Rays…Giants blank the Dodgers…NHL drops puck on new season tonight
Happy Birthday: Ned Jarrett, Tony Kubek, Sam Moore, Chris Wallace, Scott O’Grady, Hugh Jackman, Martie Maguire, Kirk Cameron, Bode Miller
You gotta see this https://apnews.com/article/denver-colorado-wildlife-ba4d66564cbfefcfc22070b2d158ac54
Paul breaks silence on why the Beatles broke-up https://www.theguardian.com/music/2021/oct/10/it-was-john-who-wanted-a-divorce-mccartney-sets-the-record-straight-on-beatles-split
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Quote of the Day: “Fantasy is a necessary ingredient in living, it’s a way of looking at life through the wrong end of a telescope, and that enables you to laugh at life’s realities”… Dr. Seuss